So far everything has been great (except for that one test that came positive). All my blood pressure, pee tests, baby measurements and heart rates have always been good. My doctor has been terrific and is willing to wait for the baby for 2 weeks past due date - I'll have to make sure she comes out by then. The doctor's latest recommendations to naturally induce the baby? "A lot of walking, spicy food or intercourse. If it doesn't help - try all three together." Experience, however, tells me that if the baby is not ready to come out, nothing, and I mean NOTHING will help.
Because of Len's traveling and work schedule, for many of the appointments I had to tag K with me. Most of them lasted only a few minutes, so it wasn't an issue. Each time, however, K had to lie right next to me; for some reason, K is not as fond of dr. MK as much as I am. As soon as Dr. MK comes into the room, K freaks out and wants to be held by mommy only. Dr. MK is very understanding and says it's their natural beharior, and that most kids K's age act like that in her office.
The hardest part of having K with me at the appointments is when I have to have an actual exam done where I'm asked to "undress waste down". Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but last time, I had to wait for Dr. MK for over 45 minutes with my toddler in the room. The paper cover that I get from the nurse was in pieces within seconds. The rest of the time I spent on trying to convince K that it wasn't a good idea to keep opening the door and going to the hall way. She understood, thank goodness, but I had visions of chasing her down to the waiting room with my cheeks flashing.
Yesterday's appointment went OK as well. Dr. MK was hoping for some cervical changes, but there were none. It looks like the little one is very comfortable where she is.
5 days to go...
Back in the USA
9 months ago
Hi! Has your doula given any tips? I also think that the hypnobabies or hypnobirthing has suggestions on meditations or thoughts that you can repeat to help...if oyu are into that sorta thing :)
My midwife recommended acupuncture, breast pumping, walking, and some sort of herbal concoction....
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