Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Maya's random rambling

M: When David and I were doing yoga, we almost got married.


...while driving to school and passing some cows...

M: Whoa, mom, did you see that?
ME: No, what?
M: There is a reindeer among those cows!
ME:  I don't think it's a reindeer, babe.  We don't have those here.
M: Did you look though?
ME: No, I didn't look.
M: Well, then don't say there isn't one.  I looked, and I saw a reindeer.

(On the way home, I pulled over to check out the reindeer, and it turned out to be a big bull.  There was no telling Maya otherwise, though; she kept saying: "But look at his antlers!")

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Maya the Storyteller

About a month ago: 
Maya:  Mom, when you were upstairs, I saw this lizard climb our window all the way to the top. 
Mom:  Wow, is he still up there? 
Maya:  No, actually he fell and hurt his toe.  But then he sat down, took a piece of grass, wrapped his toe with it and was OK.

My friend Mia got stung by a bee at school the other day.  She was hurting, so a butterfly came, kissed her on her cheek and gave her a band aid. 

After Maya finished her first year of preschool a couple of months ago, we got her teacher's report with Maya's developmental changes within that year.  One of the things that Maya excelled in, according to her teacher, was storytelling.  And, there was a note from the teacher in parenthesis:  (the Disneyland story).  Curious, I approached the teacher to ask about it, to which she replied that she specifically liked Maya's story of how we took her to Disneyland, and how much fun she had there.  She added that she was very sorry to hear about how Maya bruised her knee when she tripped and fell there. 
The thing is...  we've never been to Disneyland... 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Our First "S" Word

Klaudia:  Shut up, Maya.
Mom:  What did you say?
Mom:  What did you just say?
Quiet crying... Then:
Klaudia:  I said shut up to Maya.
Mom:  We don't say this word.  It's not nice.  You may hear others say it, but we don't.
Klaudia:  OK.  I'm sorry.
Len: walking into the room Klaudia, what's wrong?  Why are you crying?
Klaudia:  I said shut up to Maya.
Len:  We don't say it babe. 
Klaudia:  I know.  I'm sorry daddy.

A minute later...
Maya:  Daddy, did Klaudia say Shadow?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Two weeks ago, for the very first time, we - as a family of four - went to a local church.

We had been discussing this with Len for a while, but didn't mention anything to the girls until that Sunday morning two weeks ago. 

I was getting ready when Maya asked me:  "Mom, where are we going?"  To get her a bit excited, I said with a lot of enthusiasm:  "We're going to church babe!"  She looked at me suspiciously and asked:  "Is that where Jesus lives?"  I said: "Yes".  Then with panic in her eyes (she's still extremely shy), she asked:  "Is Jesus going to be there?"  So, to put her at ease, I said:  "Maya, Jesus is dead". 

She thought about this for a while, then ran upstairs and announced to daddy with as much enthusiasm as I showed her:  "Daddy, we're going to church!"  and then added:  "Oh, Jesus is dead!  And, I really miss him!"

By the way, we were able to leave the girls at the Sunday school for the entire service!  We got to enjoy the service in peace, and they had a lot of fun, too!

Klaudia's Kindergarden Registration


Holly Shnikies!

Random Talk

While playing mommies:

Klaudia:  Maya, I'm 44.  How old are you?
Maya:  Two.
Klaudia:  No, Maya.  If I am 44, you should either be 34, 35 or 44.
Maya:  OK, I'm 44.
Klaudia:  Great, you're 44 like me.  Let's go. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We're Set!

While driving home passing some cows with their little ones on the side of the road...
Klaudia:  Are those cows married?
Len:  Well... if they have kids, I guess they are.
Klaudia:  It's like our mommy - she's married, too.
Maya:  My mommy is NOT married!
Len and Klaudia explain the concept to Maya.
... a minute later...
Klaudia:  Daddy, am I ever going to get married?
Len:  I hope so.
Klaudia:  To whom?
Len:  To someone who will love you and take care of you. 
Klaudia:  Like you?
Len:  I hope so.  Someone who will be your best friend, too.
Klaudia:  I know!  I'm going to marry Olivia!  She's my best friend.
Maya:  And, I'll marry Camilla!  (Olivia's sister) or Bella!  (Olivia and Camilla's dog)