Sunday, November 29, 2009

Is It a Boy Or a Girl?

We don't know and we won't find out this time. When pregnant with K, I wondered how people may not want to take advantage of the great technology and see what they're having. Well, here we are - doing the exact same thing. Our answer is: we just want to go through it. Yes, it would be much easier to know the gender, and that's why we found out K's. This time, however, we won't. Unless we see "it" by accident at the 20-week one-hour-long ultrasound or simply ask the doctor because we won't be able to take it any longer, we'll find out if it's a boy or girl when s/he is born.

However, I believe it's a boy. Here is why:
  1. I'm craving sweets and meat (liver in particular). When pregnant with K, I almost became a vegetarian and wanted nothing to do with sweets.)
  2. I'm not as moody (as I was with K). Actually mood swings are gone (supposedly girls cause those).
  3. It's my gut feeling.
On the other hand, it could be a girl:
  1. The condition of my skin is unbearable (they say daughters take mama's beauty away).
  2. The nausea was much worse this time.

K's First Drawing

Here We Go Again

I'm 15 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and it looks like our little bug is doing very well. When pregnant with K, I don't remember worrying much especially during the first two trimesters about the wellness of the baby. I somehow believed that everything would be fine. Since then I met a log of women (great friends included) whose pregnancies weren't as successful as mine, so I have to admit, I flt like it was my turn (that's why we waited with announcing the news until at least the end of the first trimester).

Some say that the morning sickness is a sign of a healthy baby. If that's the case, our bug is extremely healthy. The nausea this time didn't last as long as with K (6 weeks - 15 weeks) but was much much more intense. From week 5-12, I was nauseous 24/7. I would wake up nauseous and go to bed nauseous. Anything made me throw up even doing the dishes, brushing teeth and the worst - changing K's diaper.

Well, I am back to "normal". Even though I don't feel any of those "happy hormones" pregnant women are supposed to be showered with, I'm trying to enjoy and appreciate being pregnant. I cannot wait to hold my little bug in my arms and breastfeed him. It's going to be amazing to introduce him to K. I can hardly wait.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Our 22-Month-Old Klaudia

  • She is a great sleeper; when at 7.30 pm, she hears "Idziemy dobranocki?" (Should we go night night?), she grabs Len's or my hand and takes us to her bedroom, where we put her into her crib, kiss good night and leave. She falls asleep on her own and usually doesn't wake up until 6.30-7am. Her nap goes from 12.30-3pm every day.
  • K has just figured out that if she covers both of her ears with her hands, the sounds that she hears will be different. She loves to experiment with it in the car, at the playground or at a restaurant.
  • She loves her gymnastics classes on Saturday mornings. We noticed that they helped her become more athletic and definitively more courageous. Climbing couches, chairs or anything that appears climbable to her is her new favorite.

The sounds she makes while climbing - way too funny!
  • She absolutely loves her daddy. I remember when I was pregnant with K, and we found out we were having a girl, Len was worried that he wouldn't know how to play with a daughter. Well, somehow he never runs out of ideas, and K adores everything he comes up with. Watching these two play melts my heart. (I used to worry that K would get upset when seeing me leave for work. I don't know what I was thinking! When she sees me get ready, she can't wait for me to leave - she keeps saying Bye Bye and opens the front door when I'm trying to get dressed.)
Halloween 2009

  • She is eating again. After a couple of months (that's right, not days or weeks) of eating close to nothing (she was able to go through a day with 2 strawberries only), she is back. She is not as adventurous as she used to be about a year ago, but she has her favorites, and she will eat quite a bit of them almost every day. She still loves any kind of fruit, and her new thing is oatmeal for breakfast.
  • She is a lover: she likes to have her boo-boos kissed; she enjoys changing her stuffed animals' diapers; she takes her baby in a stroller everywhere we go; and my favorite: if she sees her daddy sitting on a couch busy with something, she will sneak behind him, put her head on his shoulder and just lean against him.
  • K loves water except for when she has to drink it. But she squeals when it's time to wash hands, take a bath, or go to a water park.
  • She is an easy and very happy baby.