Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another Tooth

Tooth #6 is here. No fever this time, but many many sleepless nights. K is up every hour, nurses and goes right back to sleep to wake up in an hour or two and do the same drill over and over again.

Here is our little bug:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thank Goodness for Cheerios

Whoever came up with Cheerios was a genius. K loves to eat and ... play with them. Cheerios are the mood improver, time killer, and life saver.

It's Here...

Tooth #5!!! At 10 months of age, Klaudia has welcomed it with a fever (102.6 - gone the next day), some crankiness, and a lot of hugs and kisses from mom and dad. The birth of the tooth was also accompanied by a lack of appetite for solids (good old nursing came in handy).
Since the new tooth made its debut, K has been sticking her tongue out. It must be feeling good on her gums because she keeps doing it all day long.