Friday, May 21, 2010

Change of Plans

It's almost noon, and we're all in SJ waiting for the labor to speed up. I was up all night dealing with very powerful but irregular contractions. We're at our friends' place hoping the labor will pick up again (after slowing down significantly).


Emily Ruoss said...

hang in there! we're thinking of you.

Maybe you can try to distract your selves? Play a game, watch a movie, call a friend...

Remember - this is baby's day - she may have her own plan. Have a little talk with her... tell her not to worry, that you all want to love and hold her, and keep her safe and comfortable.

Try to enjoy these last moments of the pregnancy. You are strong and brave. You can be flexible and calm.

Trust that this story has a very happy ending....

Lisa said...

Hope you are/were able to get some rest while you wait/waited. Call if we can help with anything! --L