Klaudia has been having a fever for the last couple of days. There are no symptoms whatsoever, so I'm thinking it's her back teeth that are coming out that are causing the problem.
It was late afternoon today, she was cranky, so I decided to take her to the park for a few minutes. When we got back, our house alarm was on. Within a couple of minutes, I got a phone call from our alarm company informing me that the alarm was on, and that it got triggered by the back door. They also said they had canceled the police call and asked what the house looked like, whether someone broke into it or not:
Kate: I just got back from the park, so I didn't have a chance to get inside.
Dispatcher: Do you want me to stay on the phone with you when you go inside?
Kate: I don't want to go inside; what if someone is in there?
D: So, do you want me to call the police?
Kate: I think so. This is the first time it's happening, so I don't know what to do. I know I don't want to go inside - I have a two-year old with me, and I'm pregnant - too much to risk.
D: I understand. I'll call the police right now.
D: Madam? The police are on their way.
Kate: Do you know how long it will take them to get here?
D: No, unfortunately I don't.
25 minutes later my neighbor happens to be outside and after a quick explanation of what's going on, he offers to go in with a baseball bat and check the entire house. No intruders! The house is "safe". We can go in.
Once in the house my mind is all over the place. What if the police come and think that I'm the intruder? Should I wait for them outside (K needed a diaper change; needed to be fed and wanted a bath NOW, and did I mention she was feverish, tired and super cranky?) After one hour of waiting I call the ADT again.
Kate: I'm calling to find out if the police are still coming.
D: Let me call them to find out. Mhm, it looks like they don't have anyone available right now.
Kate: I wish I had known that; I've been waiting outside with a sick toddler.
D: I'll be happy to stay on the line with you if you want to go inside and check the house.
Kate: didn't feel like mentioning the neighbor was necessary But what if someone is inside?
D: I have 911 on a speed dial; if anything happens, I'll have them on the phone within seconds.
Kate: Yes, but I'll be dead by then.
Eventually I agreed to walk with "him" through the house, and he did end up canceling the police call. In the meantime, I had been trying to reach Len who's been traveling this weekend. He finally called me back, and that's when I lost it. Poor guy had no clue what was going on; all he knew was that the alarm went off (ADT left him a message), and then there was me... sobbing.
Everything turned out to be OK. While I talked to a doctor trying to see if I needed to bring K in tonight (I noticed something in her ear - cut and swelling - and wasn't sure if that was causing the fever), Len was on the phone with the sheriff's department trying to get someone come out here. The doctor said it was OK to wait til the next day, and the police came and inspected the backyard.
It's 11pm, and I'm pooped. The baby is kicking like crazy causing a lot of pressure. I'd better get some rest in case she decides to come out any time soon.
Back in the USA
9 months ago
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