Older male cashier: Two more weeks?
Kate: Two more months.
Cashier: Twins?
Kate: Nope, just one.
2. At the office.
A teacher: Man, when you turn to a side, you're awfully big.
3. At the playground.
An older woman: A couple more days left?
Kate: I wish. 5 more weeks.
Woman: Wow, you're huge.
4. In the classroom.
A 20-something year old student: Kate, when I look at your belly, I don't want to have kids. Ever!
So, here I am at 34 weeks.
Oh my goodness! These people have no manners. I'm sure you're glowing gorgeousness!
Oh my gosh! That is so rude! I looked at your picture before reading the text, and I thought : Wow she is SO tiny! I had a belly like that when I was 6-7 months pregnant :-) I looked like a huge ball with legs and a head :-D (It felt like it, anyways :-) )
you look beautiful!
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