In some elevator in San Francisco...
A female stranger: You're so tiny. Are you expecting?
Kate: Nope.
Back in the USA
9 months ago
This is an online diary of the life of our two little girls Klaudia and Maya. Its intention is to capture the precious moments that otherwise could be soon forgotten and to share them with friends and family.
LOL...trying not to laugh but be sympathetic at the same time. Don't worry, weight will come off. Keep nursing! BTW, is K nursing more since the fount is plentiful now? Other friend here who had a 2nd child recently, the 1st is loving it. Must have gained a few pounds also.
K stopped nursing when she was 1.5. :( And, I noticed that Maya has slowed down with her eating, too. That's probably until her next growth spurt... :)
Oh brother! What did the woman say back to you?? She probably needs glasses.
Hehehehehe... You totally DO NOT look pregnant! I've always held back from asking people, "how far along are you" until I actually know they're prego. I would be mortified if I found out that they weren't! I bet she'll think twice next time :)
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