For the past few days K has been feverish. We weren't sure if it was caused by her teething, since all her upper teeth decided to show up at once. Yesterday afternoon she started coughing a bit and her voice changed. Then her breathing became kind of loud.
When she woke up at 1am, we knew something was not right. She definitely had trouble breathing, so we quickly called the nurse. She didn't seem alarmed asking us to stay with K in a steamy bathroom and watch her later at night. We were on the phone with the nurse for up to 20 minutes and by the end of it, K could hardly grasp for air. I think it was the scariest thing I've ever gone through in my life. At one point I wasn't sure who was shivering K or I.
Even though the nurse tried to calm us down, we hung up on her and rushed to the hospital. K did much better in the car; we think it was the cool breeze that helped her breath. K was diagnosed with croup, a viral infection of the respiratory tract. I never heard of it, but we were assured that it's quite common among toddlers.
Within 4 hours that we spent at the ER, K received some medicine and a breathing treatment to help open up her airway. Before feeding K with the meds, the nurse warned us that kids usually freak out when given this medication. K after swallowing her dose screamed: "MORE". The breathing treatment wasn't too bad either. Other kids according to the nurse don't like it, K loved it. She had fun chewing on the breathing tube. By the time we were dismissed, K was snoozing catching up on her sleep.
We got home at around 5am exhausted but relieved. K is doing much much better today.
Back in the USA
9 months ago
So glad to hear K's alright!! That must have been excruciating for you and Len. And GOOD FOR YOU for hanging up on the nurse and doing what your gut told you.
Hope you continue feeling better, Klaudia!
Wow, that's some scary stuff. Glad that K is doing better. BTW, we went to LLL last weekend and saw Dr. Bob Sears. Was pretty cool conf but not as many attendees this year it seemed. So do u think K caught that virus from another kid?
Oh my GOSH! Scary! I'm glad she is okay!
Kasia to po polsku koklusz ostatnio MOnika maly tez mial to rzeczywiscie kaszel jest dziwny ale przejdzie jej juz niebawem...pozdrawiam Gabi
AC, K has been susceptible to things since she broke her nose. :( We were encouraged to do another CT scan at the hospital or get another dr's opinion. She hasn't been around sick kids at all, so we have no clue where she got it from. But she hasn't been herself since the nose incident. :(
Gabi, croup to po polsku krup, juz sprawdzilam. Teraz prawie nikt na to nie choruje, ale mama mi mowila ze pamieta jak byla mala ze dzieci dostawaly krup. Malej jest juz duzo lepiej, dzieki za komentarz.
Audrey had bad croup in the middle of the night one time when she was one or two. We were on the verge of rushing to the ER in a panic when I tried nursing her, and that calmed her down and her breathing improved and she fell asleep. We were still completely shaky and on high alert, but she, thankfully, was much better. She's had croup several times since, but it's never been as severe as it was the first time, and we haven't been as panicked since we knew what we were dealing with. Hope K's totally recovered!
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