Friday, April 10, 2009

K's First Words

K's favorite (OK, most often used) word is mama. She keeps saying it over and over especially when I'm not in her sight. So, when I go to the bathroom or bedroom, I hear "Mama, mama, mama".

Her second word is more. She uses it while eating. I usually cut up food into small pieces for her, and when I'm not fast enough leaving her tray empty for a few seconds, she screams "MORE"!

K loves to play with her balls. And, although Len and I usually use the Polish word 'pileczka' to refer to a ball, she somehow picked up the English, much shorter version of it, and simply says: ball.

The other day we went to T.arget. Right in front of the store, there are (as part of the decoration) big round red objects. Every time we passed one, K pointed to it with her finger and said: "Ball."

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