I'm 15 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and it looks like our little bug is doing very well. When pregnant with K, I don't remember worrying much especially during the first two trimesters about the wellness of the baby. I somehow believed that everything would be fine. Since then I met a log of women (great friends included) whose pregnancies weren't as successful as mine, so I have to admit, I flt like it was my turn (that's why we waited with announcing the news until at least the end of the first trimester).
Some say that the morning sickness is a sign of a healthy baby. If that's the case, our bug is extremely healthy. The nausea this time didn't last as long as with K (6 weeks - 15 weeks) but was much much more intense. From week 5-12, I was nauseous 24/7. I would wake up nauseous and go to bed nauseous. Anything made me throw up even doing the dishes, brushing teeth and the worst - changing K's diaper.
Well, I am back to "normal". Even though I don't feel any of those "happy hormones" pregnant women are supposed to be showered with, I'm trying to enjoy and appreciate being pregnant. I cannot wait to hold my little bug in my arms and breastfeed him. It's going to be amazing to introduce him to K. I can hardly wait.