When I was still pregnant, I thought I would do everything I could so that K wouldn't suck on her thumb. Supposedly it's not good for the baby's teeth. There is a story behind it involving my sister and her teeth, which by the way are now perfect, and it somehow got stuck in my head that the thumb and mouth don't go together. But after K was born, Len a I both kind of hoped we'd see K with her thumb in her mouth. Instead she learned to suck on other fingers especially the middle one which is the longest and causes her to gag. A few weeks ago, K somehow figured out how to put her thumb in her mouth and ... not suck on it, but chew!

P.S. The reason why we wanted K to learn how to suck on her thumb was purely selfish. K loves her pacifier (we love it too since it calms her down from the worst drama), but sometimes her pacifier gets misplaced. A thumb is so much easier to find... and kind of always there.
Although K did discover the chubbiest of her fingers, the pacifier is still her number one peacegiver.
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