- I taught all three semesters in both of my schools. I was able to put all my (20) teaching hours in only 2 days a week which allowed me to stay home with the girls the rest of the week.
- Maya learned how to ride a bike (a 4-wheeler).
- I took the girls to Poland for 3 weeks. It was such a beautiful trip. The girls did very well on the plane - absolutely enjoying every minute of it. I bought little things from a dollar store ($20 worth) and introduced one by one whenever I felt it was needed. The girls picked up a lot of Polish and got to meet a lot of family members.
- Maya potty trained herself while in Poland.
- I discovered books on CDs. Len introduced me to it, and I have to say that I don't mind commuting for hours. This past year I "read" more books than within the last few years.
- Len continues to work and do his schooling.
- Len painted 3 bedrooms and all 3 bathrooms all by himself when we were in Poland.
- Maya started talking and simply doesn't stop. If she has nothing to talk about, she'll say: "I have to go to the bathroom. Yeah, I need to go. It's really loud in there. The planes are loud, too." or "My baby is dead again (I think she likes our reaction to it, and that's why she loves saying it), I have to take her to the doctor. She is very naughty. No, baby, I said no!"
- Klaudia started her second year in her preschool, which she loves. She continues with her dance and piano lessons. She is very rule oriented - if there is a rule, she likes to follow it and will make sure to remind us about it when needed.
- We were forced to buy a new engine to our car. Somehow we missed to replace some major part that eventually broke and ruined the engine.
- Our community hosted The Tough Mudder which prompted Len and me to start the Insanity Exercise program. It's a 3-month program, but we're going with our own pace.
- Maya and I still co-sleep. She still likes to nurse. She is still extremely shy but is doing much better than before.
Back in the USA
9 months ago