Right before my parents left for Poland, my dad fixed K's portable toilet seat so that it would fit our toilet seat perfectly. As a result, K had a couple of successful 'goings'. Since then, however, she has refused to sit on that thing and hides when she needs to go.
We don't pressure her but kindly remind her every now and then about the toilet's existence. And, here is the outcome:
a. When getting ready to go to the park with the girls, I asked K to come to the bathroom with me (main reason - not to leave her with M unattended). While I was going to the bathroom, K said with a lot of enthusiasm in her voice and a big smile on her face: Mommy, you're going pee pee! Good girl!
b. K has been trying out my patience recently - for some reason she likes to slap M around when she feels like it. One morning after I had asked numerous times to simply stay away from M, K poured a bucket of water on M's head. It was in the bathtub while taking a bath, so it seems like not a big deal, but again it was after multiple happenings, and it did cause Maya to freak out). Anyway, I got upset and told K that there would be no TV for her that day. She was heart broken.
When done with her bath, K ran to the bathroom and asked me to help her sit on the toilet. Without saying a word, she peed and pooped. When finished, she asked with the most angelic voice: "Mommy, are you happy now? Can I please watch Dora?"
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9 months ago