Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Milestones

K's recent "sleeping disorder" could be associated with her new discoveries.

Right after she turned one, she stared flipping and sleeping on her belly. Until then she had slept only on her back or her side (looking like a little bug), but more and more we find her sleeping on her belly.

Her most recent thing is sitting and standing up in her crib. Before, when she had woken up, she'd be laying in her crib until we came to get her. Now, she welcomes us either sitting, standing or even running in circles in her crib (she gets extremely excited when she knows we're coming to get her).

Because of her new milestones, it's been more and more difficult to put her down for a nap. So far we had been putting her down, leaving the room, and K was out within a minute. Now, she loves sitting up or standing up throwing her pacifier on the floor and seeing how long it'll take us to come and get it for her.

Thank goodness she still naps twice a day for at least an hour each time.

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