Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Steps

As mentioned earlier, K has been pretty good at walking when holding on to someone or something. But for a while now, we've been waiting for those magic first steps that she would make on her own. Well, she made them yesterday - on the day when she turned 13 months!!!

I can't provide too many details on how she did that, since ... I wasn't there. Yes, she decided to wait all day long until I (the food provider, her caregiver, the person who spends most of the day with her) left for my evening classes. I have a feeling she is paying me back for the CIO.

PS. I may be sad that I missed such an important milestone, but I'm very happy that it was Len who got to witness it.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yay Klaudia! Cautious kids rule! (E's lack of caution is currently driving me ever so slightly nuts. :-)