Friday, October 15, 2010

Full of Crap

Maya hasn't pooped for 11 days now. The last couple of months, she's been going once every 5-7 days. But this time, she'll reach the two week mark in just a couple of days.

She is not bothered by any of it. She eats well, sleeps well and is as happy as she can be.

I called our pediatrician yesterday, and the receptionist told me that they get these phone calls every day. She instructed me to get some medicine for her, but I've decided to wait a few more days. As much as I want her to "go", I'm a little nervous. I'm not sure what to expect - it's 11 days worth of poop after all.


GabiSamMaxHoney said...

czesc Kasia,
Ilona miala to samo z Zosia nie mogla sie zalatwic wiec lekarz powiedzial jej aby posmarowala vazelina koniec termometru i wsadzic do odbytu na jakies 2 centymetry....kupa byla jak malowana

Our Bug's Life said...

Dzieki Gabrysiu za "tips". :) Probowalam to ale nie pomoglo. Probowalam tez zmienic swoja diete, ale bez rezultatu. Ja Maje karmie tylko swoim mlekiem wiec nie mogla miec zatwardzenia, wiec az tak sie nie przejmowalam, ale juz sie nie moglam doczekac. :) A jak tam mala Zosia sie miewa?

Anonymous said...

Zosia jest szczesliwa w Polsce czasami pyta o rodzicow ale juz nie tak czesto...ciesze sie ze Maya w koncu sie zalatwila